Aa month has passed, and I happy to report the progress I’ve made with my goals.

  1. Write 5 days a week: Sadly, I fell off the wagon with this one, but I have high hopes that I will be more successful in February
  2. Read 100 books: to date, I have read 7 books. To checkout what I’ve been reading, follow me on Goodreads
  3. Read more nonfiction: this month, I read 3 nonfiction books.
  4. Take at least 1 writing class: no progress to report
  5. Attend 1 writing conference: no progress to report
  6. Write shorter form articles: no progress to report
  7. Get at least 1 freelance article published: no progress to report
  8. Increase my vocabulary: checkout my list of new words/phrases I’ve picked up this month
  9. 1 short story a month: I’m not quite done with this month’s short story, but I am hoping to finish it within the week.
  10. Finish my WIP: no progress to report

Not as great as I was hoping, but all-in-all, not bad progress for my first month. How are your 2015 goals progressing?

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Megan has
read 8 books toward her goal of 100 books.