beta readers

2 articles tagged as beta readers

I’ve crossed the 3 month point for being a full-time writer. I know in the past month I have not been the best blogger. The reason is, I’ve been focusing so hard on my writing.

My writing class is almost over and I’m happy I took it. Through the critiques, I’ve gained confidence in my ability to write – the feedback on my writing has been very positive. But of course, being able to write and being able to tell a story are two different things. Now that I feel like I can actually write, I need to figure out if I can actually tell a story. I think I can, but that’s where beta readers will come in.

In the past month I’ve made a lot of progress on my novel. I’ve added conflicts and developed characters. I’ve added to the word count. I’ve figured out plot details. But, despite all of my progress, I still have a ways to go.

My goal for the next month is to finish the current draft, which is very nearly complete, and then work my butt off editing. I had hoped to be at the editing stage by June 1. That obviously did not happen. But part of why that didn’t happen is because I’ve been editing as I go along, going back and fixing things I know aren’t working. I still have a major fix that needs to be popped in around chapters 2/3, but I’ve decided to hold off on that and to just keep writing as though I’ve already done it.

My deadline for finishing is my wedding, which is rapidly approaching. I’ve always worked better under pressure, and I can definitely feel the pressure. But I don’t mind. I kind of like it. And knowing me, if I had until infinity to write my book, it would probably never get written. But knowing I have a deadline, well it helps me accept that it will never be perfect. Nothing ever is. Instead I just have to get it perfect enough. I have to treat it like a school paper, like my master’s thesis and accept that I can only get it as perfect as I’m capable of getting it and hopefully, if I’m lucky, that will be perfect enough.

Alright, so I’m ready to share chapter one from my work in progress, The Colony, and I would love to get some feedback.


Anya was a good citizen. She knew the rules of The Colony, and she followed them without question. Until an internship snagged her a spot on the first voyage back to Earth since her people had fled the dying world hundreds of years ago. Now Anya is beginning to question all she has been taught and she is starting to see those close to her, including her father, for who they really are. As war begins brewing between the survivors that were left behind on Earth and the priviledged who had the means to escape, will Anya remember her years of training and remain a good citizen, or will she abandon all she has known for a boy she has only just met?

Chapter 1

Do you like Anya? Do you want to keep reading? Are there things you find confusing? Did the opening grab you? Do you have suggestions for ways I can make it better? You can leave any feedback as a comment or email me at dragonflyword(at)gmail(dot)com.