Today’s my birthday, which means it’s time to evaluate what all I accomplished last year. So here goes.

Published 100 blog posts

If my calculations are correct, this is blog post 101 for the past year. That seems almost as big as a birthday. Now if only I could get my subscribers that high…

My Middle Grade Plant Book

I almost finished the first book in the series, only to realize there were some plot issues. I set it aside and vowed to return when I was ready. I returned to the WIP last night, and I’ve got to say, the time apart was good. I’m falling in love with it all over again. Hopefully this love will continue as I work through the edits.

My YA Dystopian Book

This is probably my greatest achievement of the year. I actually wrote an entire first draft, start to finish. Of course, the plot has some issues and the writing is not where I want it yet. I’ve decided to set it aside while I return to my MG book. This book and I need a little space. But one of my goals for the year was to finish a first draft, and I did.

I won NaNoWriMo

That’s write, I wrote 50,000+ words in 1 month. And one of the shorter months at that.

I read, but not as much as I’d like to have read

Over the past year I read around 50 or so books. This year I’m aiming for 100. Ambitious, I know. We’ll just have to see what happens.

Redesigned my website

Web design is something I really wanted to get more involved in, and after successfully completing a web design class as a continuing ed student, I redesigned my site. If anyone has any questions about custom designing a wordpress blog, feel free to ask. I’m more than willing to share the information I got from countless hours spent yelling at the computer.

I ran a 5k and got engaged

OK, the 5k was one of my secret goals. I used to run and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t ignoring my health to write. Getting engaged was just a happy bonus.

Goals for the next year

It wouldn’t be my birthday if I didn’t come up with my goals for the next year. So here goes:

  • Submit a manuscript to an agent
  • Get an agent
  • Get signed with a publisher
  • Finish another manuscript and start soliciting it
  • Read 100 books
  • Run a 10k (yup, that’s right, 6.2 miles)
  • Win NaNoWriMo for the second year in a row
  • Have an amazing year spent doing more of the things I love and less of the things I don’t love

So can I achieve my goals for the coming year? You’ll have to keep checking back in to find out.