Stephanie Perkins

2 articles tagged as Stephanie Perkins

Lure, by Stephanie Jenkins

Rating: 5 out of 5

(summary taken in part from GoodReads) Charlotte Brewer is sure she’s crazy when she hears singing drifting from the ocean-normal people don’t have arias playing on repeat in their head. When she gets wasted at a party and investigates the ethereal tune, she almost drowns. Charlotte comes to with an overwhelming thirst for salt water, an inability to get injured, and a heartbeat of only seven beats a minute. She also keeps waking up by the sea with no memory of getting there and dead men wash up hours later.

As Charlotte attempts to adjust to the changes, while also trying to cope with the loss of her mother and her growing infatuation with a boy she knows is all wrong for her, she meets Lorelei, a siren. Lorelei reveals she saved her from drowning with the “Siren’s Kiss” which turned Charlotte into a siren. Her role as a siren is simple: guide the souls of the dead at sea. Of course, nothing is ever as simple as it sounds, and Charlotte soon learns that there are is a Godess that is not too happy with the existence of sirens and is willing to stop at nothing to wipe out their kind. Can Charlotte break the siren’s curse in time to save her soul?

First, I want to thank Annie Elfresh, blogger of Reading, Writing, and Waiting, for introducing me to this book and providing me with a free copy. If you haven’t visited her blog, you should. She provides some great book reviews/reading suggestions. Plus her blog has a really fun design.

It took a few pages for me to get into this book because I’m not usually into main characters like Charlotte – snarky and into wild parties – but as I got to know Charlotte, I realized there was depth to her. Plus, as a New England resident, I saw that her salty demenour (no pun intended) matched that of several New England girls I know.

When I started reading this book, I didn’t know much about it – just that it was an urban fantasy. And I’ve got to say, knowing little made it an exciting, unexpected read. There were some nice twists and there was a refreshing originality to the plot. Despite my initial reservations regarding Charlotte, I could not put the book down. Jenkins weaves an engaging tale and I wanted to see how it would end.

There are two potential love interests in the book – one the dark-haired Matt, the other blond, Golden Boy Wyatt. While we see this juxtaposition in many YA books, the love interests in Lure do not feel stale. Each brings something new to the table (and something swoon worthy). There were times when I wanted each of them to come out on top, which I think is a key ingredient for a successful literary love triangle.

Even though we are all familiar with stories that mixed ancient Gods with modern day life thanks to the Percy Jackson books, this book is so different from that series that there is really no comparison. It comes closer to Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series thought the love story part reminded me a bit of Stephanie Perkins’ Anna and the French Kiss. If you loved the Mortal Instrument series and are looking for something along those lines, if you enjoyed Anna and the French Kiss but are looking for a gateway book into urban fantasy, or if you are tired of books about vampires and werewolves but love paranormal, this just might be the next book for you. And the best thing about this book – you will be supporting a self-published author.

Anna and the French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins

Rating: 5 out of 5 (One of my new favorites)

Anna, 17, is gearing up for her senior year in Atlanta, only to learn that she will be finishing high school at a boarding school in Paris. Anna is less than thrilled to be leaving her friends, family, job, and almost boyfriend behind. But when she gets to Paris, Anna meets St. Clair, the attractive, charismatic heartthrob of the school, and suddenly Paris doesn’t seem so bad. St. Clair quickly becomes Anna’s best friend, but will they be able to overcome all the obstacles in front of them and become more than just friends? You’ll have to read the book to find out.

I was instantly hooked. But I may be a bit bias. Like Anna, I grew up in Atlanta and, just when it seemed like things might finally be falling into place with the boy I had a huge crush on, I was forced to move to Europe. Unlike Anna, my family came with me.

Having spent three years in an International School located in a country where I did not speak the language and of which I knew little about before moving to, I can attest to the authenticity of Perkins’ story. She captured what it is like to be thrown into this type of situation, and how off it feels when you return home. Upon finishing the book, I immediately looked up her information to find out if Perkins’ was the product of an International School. And I was shocked to learn that she was not. More props to her and her storytelling abilities.

Even if you cannot relate to Anna as an American teenager forced abroad, Perkins’ so honestly captures the turmoil of high school relationships, the angst of moving to a new school, the heartache of betrayal and losing a friend, the complex relationships between teenagers and their parents, that this story has universal appeal. Everyone can relate to it on some level. And Perkins’ captures these feelings and relationships so fully that at times, I felt like I had been thrust back into those teenage years.

Take, for example, the following passage describing a trip to the movies with friends (since I read this on my Kindle, I only know the ebook location, which starts at 1309):

“St. Clair coughs and shifts again. His leg brushes against mine. It stays there. I’m paralyzed. I should move it; it feels too unnatural. How can he not notice his leg is touching my leg? From the corner of my eye, I see the profile of his chin and nose, and -oh, dear God – the curve of his lips.

There. He glanced at me. I know he did.

I bore my eyes into the screen, trying my best to prove I am Really Interested in this movie. St. Clair stiffens but doesn’t move his leg. Is he holding his breath? I think he is. I’m holding mine. I exhale and cringe-it’s so loud and unnatural.

Again. Another glance. This time I turn, automatically, just as he’s turning away. It’s a dance, and now there’s a feeling in the air like one of us should say something. Focus, Anna. Focus. ‘Do you like it’ I whisper.

He pauses. ‘The film?’

I’m thankful the shadows hide my blush.

‘I like it very much,’ he says

I risk a glance, and St. Clair stares back. Deeply. He has not looked at me like this before. I turn away first, then feel him turn a few beats later.

I know he’s smiling, and my heart races.”

The moment I read this, I was transported back to the movies as a teenager, sitting next to a boy, uncertain if he liked me, uncertain if I should hold his hand, uncertain if this was a date or just a friendly outing. The way Perkins’ paints this scene is perfect, and the rest of the book depicts the teenage years equally as well.

I cannot express how much I loved this book, or how highly I recommend it. So what are you waiting for? Go get your copy today.